Love hotels are part of Japan’s tradition The Love Hotels is a type of short-stay hotel found in Japan operated primarily for the purpose of allowing couples privacy to have sexual intercourse, and the Queen Elizabeth is regarded as the most popular of them all. It’s not because of the great service, but more because of its wacky design. like this Unique Love hotels with a Queen Elizabeth shape. Queen Elizabeth was known as one of the most glamorous cruise ship ever. before this we also has another unique Love Hotel In Japan with European Castle Style.
Shaped like the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship, this weird-looking hotel is located in Kanagawa, not far from Tokyo. Apparently the rooms also have a naval theme, so guests feel more like they’re doing it on a real ship.
One of the funniest things about the recently reconditioned Queen Elizabeth Love Hotel is that it features statues of Jake and Rose, from James Cameron’s Titanic, doing the flying pose, on the ship’s bow. I fail to see the connection, but I guess a boat’s a boat, and…well whatever attracts more customers, right?
Here’s the Statue of Jack and Rose from Titanic Movie on the Queen Elizabeth Love Hotels in Kanagawa Japan.

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